Leith Neighbourhood Partnership are delighted at the take-up so far for their Energy Planning Training day on Sat. 5 June (Breaking news, 11.5.10).
However, they're keen to point out that the event is not aimed exclusively at objectors to the proposed Biomass Plant in Leith. That proposal will serve simply as a very topical case-study for anyone interested in the energy planning system (run by the Scottish Government rather than local authorities). Those in favour of the Biomass Plant or entirely indifferent to it will be equally welcome.
The training will comprise:
- Presentation on the planning system
- Details on the process for the Biomass Plant Application
- Networking lunch
- Biomass Case Study
- Workshops
- Conclusions and next steps.
A few places are still left, so to find out more and/or book contact either Leith Central Community Council (leithcentralcc@blueyonder.co.uk) or Leith Neighbourhood Partnership's Loraine Duckworth (Tel. 529 2369; loraine.duckworth@edinburgh.gov.uk).