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AHMAGAHD, quoth the Twitter this morning. HOW CAN IT POSSIBLY BE JUNE ALREADY?!

However, we’ll spare you an explanation of how calendar months work – residents of Spurtleshire doubtless know all about the unstoppable forward march of Time. 

On which subject, there’s a lot of marching going on in Edinburgh in June (seamless, isn’t it?) For instance, the 7th annual Moonwalk sets off from Inverleith Park on 9 June. Participants will be power-walking 26.2 miles around Edinburgh to raise money and awareness for breast cancer, and if you haven’t been called upon to sponsor someone yet you probably don’t know any people. Well done for organising an Internet connection, though.

13 June sees the Olympic torch relay reach Edinburgh. The flame will not be visiting Broughton, as it is coming towards the castle from the west of the city – but we’re sure it will enjoy its time in Gorgie. No, really. Stop laughing.

The Cancer Research Race for Life is held on 17 June this year, as is the Seven Hills of Edinburgh Race and Challenge. Frankly, it tires us out just looking through all these listings, but for those not interested in rushing about, June is also a time of holidays and festivals. Frinstance, the Edinburgh International Film Festival is held in various venues from 13–24, Taste of Edinburgh visits The Meadows 8–10, and even now the Edinburgh International Tango Festival is in full swing. That’s right, Edinburgh has a tango festival. Who knew?

Then of course there are the celebrations of that Elizabeth Windsor having started to represent the UK via the medium of a fabulous hat collection several decades ago (nobody knows the exact number of years, but it’s impossibly high). Local celebrations include a street party on Eildon Street and a picnic in Warriston Playing Fields, although the lady herself is unlikely to be in attendance.

Art now, as Superclub Gallery (11a Gayfield Square) present Unimaginable Wealth Part 2: an installation by The Creative Services of Hugo De Verteuil and Ian Rothwell ‘in the form of an epic feature-length narrative film, and accompanying novella.’ This is running from 3–24, with a preview from 7pm–9pm on Saturday 2 June.

Highlights of this year’s Leith Festival (8–17 June) include James (no, not the band, a man called James singing the hits of Johnny Cash), Who Killed The Pop Star? (a murder mystery from Leith Community Theatre), and Trainspotting tours (following Irvine Welsh’s  novels rather than hanging around Waverley Station noting your favourite vehicles). For full listings, see the website.

After all that excitement you may need a drink, and fortunately the 2012 Scottish Real Ale Festival will be held from 28–30 June.  Gone are the days when it was housed in the conveniently close to Broughton Assembly Rooms (54 George Street) though – this year you’ll have to high tail it out to The Corn Exchange (11 Newmarket Road). That or visit The Beer Hive (24 Rodney Street).