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This small two-year-old local is normally in and out of the backgreens behind Cornwallis Place, and sometimes finds her way along as far as the allotments off East Scotland Street Lane. 

But in a change of behaviour which is completely out of character, Harper’s been missing since yesterday for no apparent reason. 

She has a very white chest, distinctive light and dark grey markings on her back, and is chipped and neutered. 

She responds to her owners calling her by name, but is likely to be more timid around strangers.

If you see her or hear of her whereabouts, please phone 07958 584863 or 07861 371478.


@theSpurtle Soggy moggy safe and sound. Missing Harper has returned to Cornwallis Place unharmed.

Anne Allan Harper what a handsome beautiful cat you are

 Roberta Buchan Great news!