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Apple opened its new shop at 10 Princes Street this morning. 

Over 300 delighted enthusiasts – some of whom had queued around the block since before 6.00am – poured in four hours later. 

There was a lot of whooping, bagpipes and ballyhoo. 

Thousands more customers are expected to follow as the day unfolds. 

The spacious premises – on two public levels – are high-ceilinged, sparely furnished and flooded with natural light. It all feels a bit like a major Italian railway station, minus the marble, trains and Italians.

Apple’s arrival in the capital is predicted to stimulate footfall, and encourage further high-prestige retailers to locate in Edinburgh’s East End where they can be close to Broughton.

Meanwhile, just around the corner, another exciting drama was playing out at the main entrance to the St James Shopping Centre.

Not everyone was aware of it, but on closer inspection ...

... somebody’s furry friend could be seen clinging by a paw to the roof.

Spurtle alerted staff, who remained remarkably calm and took no precipitate action which might have worsened the situation.

For all we know, he’s up there still.