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Police Scotland issued a press release this morning. We reproduce it below unedited and in full.



Detectives are appealing for information following an attempted murder in Edinburgh.

Around 11pm on Tuesday 3 May, 2022, a 25-year-old man was with two friends within a blue Honda motor vehicle in Balfour Place, Edinburgh.

The man was sitting in the front passenger seat, when two men approached the car from Pilrig Park and began speaking with him. The two men then attacked the 25-year old, stabbing him, before running off.

The man was taken to hospital where medical staff describe his condition as stable. No-one else was injured in the incident.

The suspects are described as two males, 14-18 years old, skinny build, one with ginger hair, wearing a blue hooded top and one with dark hair.

Officers have been carrying out door-to-door enquiries and are checking relevant CCTV for any information it could provide which could assist the ongoing enquiries.

Detective Inspector Kevin Tait said: “A young man has been stabbed in what we believe to be a targeted attack. I am appealing to anyone who was in the Pilrig Park and Balfour Place area, around the time of the incident to get in touch with us.

Did you notice the two men in the street, did you see the car, any small piece of information could prove relevant to our enquiries. I would also ask motorists who were driving in the area around that time to check their footage as it could have captured images which could help us in locating the two men responsible for this attack.”

Anyone with information is asked to call Police Scotland via 101, quoting incident number 3627 of 3 May 2022. Alternatively, you can call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 and give your information anonymously.
