As mentioned in Issue 346 (published today), community councils across Edinburgh will be appointing members early in the New Year.
Below are some facts and figures about the CC area covering most of Spurtleshire. For links to other community councils in the neighbourhood, see the foot of this page.
The New Town & Broughton Community Council is the local community representative body established by law as a tier of local government.
NTBCC represents an area from the First New Town area of George, Princes and Queen Streets as far north as Powderhall, and from the Moray Feu in the west to Calton Hill in the east – an area with a population of around 18,000. The area includes the World Heritage Site and the New Town Conservation Areas.

Like other community councils, every four years people are appointed to sit on the NTBCC as community councillors.
The City of Edinburgh Council, which runs the appointment process, intends to seek nominations from people who would like to stand to be a community councillor. The closing date is 27 February 2025. NTBCC has a maximum of 16 elected members and 8 co-opted from local interest groups.
If there are more nominations than places available, an election will be held on 27 March 2025.
For NTBCC to continue to be an effective representative body, it needs to have a range of community councillors who can bring different knowledge, skills and experiences – as well as enthusiasm and commitment – to bear on the wide variety of matters of concern to local people.
If you wish to become a community councillor – or want just to know more – contact NTBCC Chair Peter Williamson ( who would be very happy to discuss what is involved.
Further information is also available from the City of Edinburgh Council information sessions here.
For background information, follow these links:
New Town & Broughton Community Council
Leith Central Community Council

Stockbridge & Inverleith Community Council

For current citywide community-council boundaries, visit the Edinburgh Council atlas here.