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All candidates invited to our hustings next week have also been invited to provide a short written introduction to themselves. 

Third to respond is Ben Macpherson (SNP), whose words we reprint in full below. 


I live locally and grew up on the north side of the city. I’m a solicitor, trained at one of the big Scottish law firms. Previously I’ve also worked in renewable energy, for an international charity and in other roles. As a constituency MSP I would bring new energy, strong commitment and a constructive approach. I’d be a strong and passionate voice in the Scottish Parliament and an effective, hard-working, engaged local representative. 

Over the last nine years the SNP has delivered real progress against the backdrop of Tory austerity and significant cuts to Scotland’s budget. A re-elected SNP Government will:
  • increase the front-line health budget in each year of the next parliament and enhance local access to health and social-care services;
  • invest to close the attainment gap in schools, double the provision of free childcare and protect free higher education;
  • build 50,000 affordable homes;
  • support Scotland’s economy and protect the Small Business Bonus scheme; and
  • use tax powers progressively and responsibly to benefit the whole of Scotland.

Vote SNP to:

  1. elect a new, local, hard-working MSP for Edinburgh Northern & Leith, and
  2. ensure a government with real ambition for Scotland and a record voters can trust.

Contact details and further information: