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Scotland's summers may occasionally be bright, but they're rarely proper warm. What could be more appropriate, then, than this woollen jewellery collection by Portobello-based Lyndsey Walters – June's 'Makar of the Month' at Concrete Wardrobe.

Walters's pieces – intricately fashioned in a colourful Scottish palate  – feature felt floral motifs and birds secreting glittery beads and buttons. They are an expression of her love for vintage styles, and perhaps also an amused response to her personal magpie tendencies when it comes to collecting treasures of retro design.

She describes her jewellery as 'based loosely on an imaginary garden crossed with a delicious haberdashery shop'.

Having exhibited internationally, the Edinburgh College of Art and Royal College of Art graduate is now delighted to have found a contemporary window in her home city. 'Concrete Wardrobe reflects the ethos of my art perfectly,' she says.

Her work will continue to take pride of place at 50a Broughton Street until 30 June.