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Deidre Brock has won the Edinburgh North and Leith constituency for the SNP. 

She defeated Labour's Mark Lazarowicz by 23,742 votes (40.9%, +31.3% on 2010) to 18,145 votes (31.3%, -6.2%). 

Iain McGill (Conservative) came third with 9,378 votes (16.2%, +1.2%), Sarah Beattie-Smith (Green) secured 3,140 votes (5.4%,+3.2%),  and Martin Veart (Liberal-Democrat)  got 2,634 (4.5%, -29.3%).

Alan Melville (UKIP) received 847 votes (1.5%, +1.5%) and Bruce Whitehead (Left Unity) 122 votes (0.2%).

Just over 58,000 constituents voted, representing a remarkable turnout of 71.6% (up on 68% in 2010).

SNP successes were repeated across the capital, except in Edinburgh South where Conservative voters appear to have acted tactically to return Labour's Ian Murray with  a 4.4% increase in his share of the vote. He is now the only Labour MP remaining in Scotland.

The copy below is from a City of Edinburgh Council press release this morning.


Thanks to all who voted for me yesterday in Edinburgh N & Leith. Our vote went up, but unfortunately it was not enough to win. 1/3

Special thanks to all members/supporters who helped our campaign in Edin N & Leith,on 7 May & in months before.We fought the good fight! 2/3

It has been an incredible privilege to have represented the people of Edinburgh N and Leith in Parliament over the last 14 years. 3/3

Proud to stand up for the Liberal Democrats & what we believe. Thank you everybody who voted for me. Congrats to Deirdre!

 Martin Veart @Martin_Veart

I'll say this folks: you'll miss us while we're gone.

Listening to Cameron's victory speech, I can barely imagine a party with whom I disagree more. Horrified at prospect of another 5yrs of this

 Iain McGill @IainMcGill

Do I spend the afternoon in the pub, bed or the pictures? All 3 probably end up with me sleeping...

 Vote Bruce @Vote_Bruce

It's the SNP wot won it

 Annette Megaughin-Helder Huge congratulations Deirdre!

 Mick Houston Auntie Joan will be pleased