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Lady Thatcher, prime minister from 1979–90, died this morning. Nick Eardley at the Scotsman was first to break the news in Edinburgh. 

The inevitable Twitter-storm followed. Below are a few of the tweets (up to 5.15 pm) by people in Broughton or with strong local associations.

The sample is unrepresentative in that we have not included the very many more strongly phrased sentiments which, in general, did not affectionately recall either her period in office or political legacy.

If you are aware of other interesting or memorable Tweets made by locals on this subject, please forward them to us and we will add them to the list: 

Margaret Thatcher has died

Is Margaret really dead? If so, I’m pissed off — means I’m going to miss the street parties back home.
Terribly sad day

I came into party politics to oppose Margaret Thatcher's policies but condolences to her family today and to all those who loved her

So sorry to hear that Margaret Thatcher has passed away .Arguably the finest Prime Minister in our history

And to take your mind off dead Thatcher, here's a cute picture of sleepy kitten, puppy, and fox kit:

. Some of us lived through those years of misrule and remember the violence that was done to the nation.


Alastair Cook

My only cheery moment was walking into the Vic at with the Evening Times when she resigned and being given a free pint.


Proudest day of my life, trumping even meeting Rudi on Cup Final Day.


bruce findlay

Always sad when someone dies, but Thatcher, crippled the Trade Union movement,introduced the poll-tax and divided the country....!!


The state of our railways, soaring utility costs, a housing shortage, restricted labour rights - we have much to thank her for


Nick Eardley 

Downing Street: Thatcher will receive a ceremonial funeral with military honours at St Paul's Cathedral

Oh, ARE planning a for ? OK, let's picket it.


Cllr Maggie Chapman

. And let's not forget her foreign policy exploits: propped up , supported in South Africa, Islas Malvinas


Unregulated banks + financial crisis, devastation of entire communities, support for despotic regimes anything else Ive forgotten?


Nigel Bagshaw 

and the small matter of her friend Mr Pol Pot


Cllr. Andrew D Burns 

"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness."


Anyone who called Nelson Mandela ..a 'terrorist' and would have left him to rot in prison, gets no respect from me!


Allan Donald

Does Sid know yet?