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Broughton Street will not feature in the first round of cycle and pedestrian-friendly improvements made as part of the Spaces for People scheme.

The news emerged in a report to the Policy & Sustainability Committee, due to be discussed on Thursday 20 August (see pdf at foot of page).

Broughton resident, former Council Leader, and MP Mark Lazarowicz wrote to Leith Walk and City Centre ward councillors yesterday expressing his disappointment at the omission.

He pointed to the high level of interest in improving Broughton Street’s amenity among members of the public (see here and here), particularly given high levels of traffic diverted during tramworks.

He argued that reserved contingency funds could be used, or new funds as part of any additional bidding round.

Transport & Environment Committee Vice Convener Karen Doran responded that Broughton Street is among 60 potential installations being considered for the second wave of improvements, and that she understands it is ‘a strong contender’.

Spaces for People is funded to the tune of £5M by Transport for Scotland and Sustrans. It aims to improve conditions for active travellers seeking safe options (and alternatives to private motoring and public transport) during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Last week, New Town & Broughton Community Council members voiced frustration at the opacity of Council decision making under the scheme, and at the lack of clarity about its schedules. Sure enough, no one seems to know when work on Broughton Street may be given the go-ahead or begun.

Defenders of the project explain that the sheer volume of suggestions submitted by the public, and the complexity of assessing and instituting them properly, are largely responsible for the perceived slow rate of progress.

While we wait, Broughton residents may be interested in comparatively close-to-home schemes prioritised under the first round of improvements. These include:

  • Waverley Bridge – closure
  • Princes Street (east end) – bus gate at the east end
  • Stockbridge – increased pedestrian space
  • Arboretum Place – crossing point.





