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The Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh will hold a second public consultation at 20A Inverleith Row on 10 January to seek views about a major programme of redevelopment and refurbishment at its NE corner (18/09704/PAN). 

The Edinburgh Biomes Project envisages work on listed buildings/structures; construction of a glasshouse, research glasshouses, education and support buildings; landscaping; polytunnels/temporary decant facilities. 

If approved, the EBP would happen in stages over several years to allow seasonally sensitive plants to be relocated. Phase 1 would create a ‘state-of-the-art plant health suite’, and a more efficient energy centre to reduce the Glasshouses’ carbon footprint by 12%. An environmental impact assessment screening request was lodged on 14 November (18/09861/SCR) and is expected to be determined by delegated authority early next month.

The aim, says RBGE’s website, is to deliver ‘world-leading facilities that will protect the work of this national institution for the future’.

As well as Scottish Government funding, a substantial fund-raising appeal is expected to help cover the, as yet, undisclosed cost.

The consultation event will take place in the Fletcher Building, 20A Inverleith Place, on 10 January 2019, 4pm–7.30pm.