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Orangemen are not the only suits, but you’d be forgiven for thinking so when an estimated 12,000 of them – some very smartly dressed – arrive in the capital this Saturday. 

The Grand Orange Lodge of Scotland has organised a march in the city centre to demonstrate its support for the Union. This will entail road closures and diversions for traffic from 10.30am onwards.

A list of those streets immediately affected is in the file at the foot of this page.

Given the likely knock-on delays caused by congestion, exchanges of opinion, general hilarity and jolifications on all sides, members of the public are advised to plan their journeys carefully and leave extra time.

The march, which will involve a number of fellow democrats from Northern Ireland anxious to show Scotland their love, begins at 11.00am in the Meadows and finishes on Regent Road at around 2.00pm.

Abbeyhill – between Canongate and Croft an Righ – will remain shut until 3.00pm.