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A photo essay by David Jackson Young 

1. It’s March. There’s a change of seasons in the air, and in the early spring sunshine, few cities look better than the Scottish capital. Let’s take a stroll … 

2. First stop – the Scott Monument. In his journal for 1825, Sir Walter describes a fall he had on his way home through the streets of Edinburgh one night in November, when ‘deceived by the moonlight, I stepped ankle-deep in a sea of mud (honest earth and water, thank God), and fell on my hands’. No such danger in broad daylight – eh, Sir W? 

3. With spring in the air, there’s nothing like a bracing hike through the world-famous Princes Street Gardens …

4. Yes, a walk in the park used to be a breeze. But just try strolling round this extensive new obstacle course, rumoured to be part of a major new citizens’ health initiative by City of Edinburgh Council called ‘Walk This Way’. It’ll take your breath away – in more senses than one!

5. A hearty trudge through the city-centre oasis of greenery – or should that be ‘brownery’? – can make you pretty peckish. If so, sustenance is at hand.

6. But for those who aren’t in the first flush of youth – why not take a leaf out of Sir Walter’s book and just sit back and enjoy the view?

7. In nearby St Andrew Square Garden are more signs of the Council’s latest health initiative – On your marks, get set, and jump, Granny!

8. And what’s this in the corner? Yes, it’s another art installation to go along with the little stick-men of KEYFRAMES. This one’s called ‘Old Rope’.

9. It’s all part of the ‘Project Rational’ for the ‘St Andrew Square Public Realm’, which aims to make ‘a contribution to the quality of life of residents, businesses and visitors’, and to be ‘an exemplar of high quality management of public space in a World Heritage Site’. But who wants to get bogged down in jargon and technicalities? Let’s just enjoy the results!

10. Finally, to George Street – a majestic boulevard epitomising the uncluttered world-class Georgian elegance from which it takes its name …

11. All too soon, it’s time to catch the bus home. Let’s hope we’ll be back, some day. Meanwhile, our heads are filled with a kaleidoscope of memorable images of springtime in the Scottish capital. This is, indeed, Edinburgh!


@theSpurtle @andywightman Princes Street "Gardens" still a ploughed field

Ho Ho Ho @theSpurtle #EdinburghAfterXmas Enjoying your garden #Edinburgh Jan 10th - Feb 6th - Mar 6th

Alan Kennedy My poor city!

Stuart Hay Retweeted Broughton Spurtle

@theSpurtle Documents one hell of a festive hangover in the festival city. A visual shame 4 out of season tourists

@StreetWurrier this year even for in-season tourists given early Easter @theSpurtle @PostYESvote @peterbrownbarra @papawasarodeo @GASPurves

Lizzie Rynne ‏@CityCycling

@StreetWurrier but in anycase is a horrible rotten mess for all of us who LIVE here @theSpurtle@peterbrownbarra@papawasarodeo@GASPurves

Jim Darroch Jim Darroch ‏@ShuggMcGlummfer 

Jim Darroch Retweeted Broughton Spurtle

Maybe it's time to astro-turf Princes St & St Andrew Sq Gardens? At least they would be green.

Lorraine Moore I know we've had a lot of rain so prob not the best conditions for re-turfing but .... Disappointing!

Pamela Dobbie Still mud!

Does the St Andrew Square planning permission cover the new parking spaces @theSpurtle ? Every day this week

As it says on the van, this driver has found a 'practical solution'. @fountainbridge @ScoWorstDrivers
 Cal Daniels They could easily have schools use old pallets to grow bulbs like snowdrops, crocus, and daffsandfor for temporary placement every year until they are ready to lay turf... Then they could be stacked and covered until the next time they are needed with just a bit of water and feed to keep the bulbs and soil happy.