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The Cockburn Association, Edinburgh’s oldest heritage watchdog, has launched a Manifesto for the City in advance of next month’s Local Government Elections. You can read it in full HERE.

The 4-page document stresses a need to rebuild trust between citizens and elected representatives.

It calls for:

  • continuous public access to parks and green spaces and restrictions on their commodification
  • real decision-making transparency and responsiveness to residents’ opinion
  • commitment to Edinburgh’s Green Belt and landscapes
  • properly resourced conservation-led development and planning
  • higher standards for new housing, and guarantees to deliver truly affordable housing
  • reduction of short-term lets’ scale and impact, and enforcement action against unauthorised operations.

In terms of city management, the Manifesto prioritises:

  • better maintenance/repair of existing buildings
  • improved aesthetics, design integrity, local fit, and effective delivery of all programmes and projects in public spaces
  • a 20-minute neighbourhood Taskforce
  • practical solutions now for climate-change impacts such as torrential summer downpours
  • placing residents at the heart of consultation and decision-making
  • improved understanding and management of Edinburgh’s common-good assets.

Spurtle welcomes the Cockburn’s identification of these important issues. They may help some participants in the Spurtle hustings on 20 April to frame their questions (details below).

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