OK, this is not the return of normality. But it’s a start.
Leith Central Community Council will hold its first properly constituted meeting since 17 February and Lockdown in March.
The event will involve real people interacting simultaneously in the same physical space, not via an e-conferencing platform.
It will be held at 7pm on 17 August in the Out of the Blue Drill Hall’s main hall, 36 Dalmeny Street. This is a large area, where there’s ample room to maintain a safe social distance along with other ‘safety risk and mitigation measures’. Hopefully, there'll also be an effective PA system operating.
You can register for a place here in advance.
Further information and a detailed agenda will appear on LCCC’s website soon. The agenda will include a pre-application presentation/Q&A by Drum (20/01477/PAN) showing its revised plans for Stead’s Place.
All this is a welcome return to the harmonious combination of human relations and due process, both of which LCCC has repeatedly stressed are necessary for transparent local democracy, not least when considering planning proposals.

[Image 1: Wikipedia, Creative Commons. Image 2: Out of the Blue.]