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Councillors today agreed a restructured system for committees. 

The number of committees has been reduced by two, 'ensuring a more balanced share of reports between committees and reflecting the localities-based model of the Council following transformation'. In other words, they're trying to prevent officials and elected members in certain areas getting swamped.

As well as a reduction in the number of committees, a new addition to the executive committee remit will be strategic development, which will allow the Local Development Plan to be considered under the Housing and Economy Committee, while additional scrutiny of health and social care issues will be incorporated into the Corporate, Policy and Strategy Committee, recognising the Integration Joint Board’s role.
Members also agreed the creation of four cross-party working groups to lead consultation on Locality Improvement Plans.
Executive Committees, Conveners and Vice-conveners
Corporate, Policy and Strategy
Remit: Cross-Cutting Policies and Strategy; Partnership and Reform; Equalities; City Deal; Scrutiny of Health and Social Care;
Convener: Councillor Adam McVey
Vice-convener: Councillor Cammy Day
Finance and Resources
Remit: Finance; Procurement; HR; Property
Convener: Councillor Alasdair Rankin
Vice-convener: Councillor Marion Donaldson
Education, Children and Families
Remit: Education; Children Social Care; Lifelong Learning; Libraries
Convener: Councillor Ian Perry
Vice Convener: Councillor Alison Dickie
Transport and Environment
Remit: Transport; Environment; Public Realm
Convener: Councillor Lesley MacInnes
Vice-convener: Councillor Karen Doran
Communities, Culture and Wellbeing 
Remit: Communities and Localities; Culture, Arts and Museums; Festivals; Community Justice; Sport
Convener: Councillor Donald Wilson
Vice-convener: Councillor Ian Campbell
Housing and Economy
Remit: Housing; Homelessness and Housing Support; Economic Development; Strategic Development (LDP)
Convener: Councillor Gavin Barrie
Vice Convener: Councillor Lezley Marion Cameron
Additional appointments 
Lord Provost: Councillor Frank Ross (appointed on Thursday, 18 May)
Depute Lord Provost: Councillor Joan Griffiths
Planning Committee and Development Management Sub-Committee Convener: Councillor Lewis Ritchie
Regulatory Committee and Licensing Sub-Committee Convener: Councillor Catherine Fullerton

Governance, Risk and Best Value Committee Convener: Councillor Joanna Mowat 
Vice-convener: Councillor Melanie Main
Licensing Board Chair: Councillor Norman Work
Lothian Valuation Joint Board Convener: Councillor David Key
Integration Joint Board Convener: Councillor Ricky Henderson

[Image: Creative Commons, Wikipedia.]