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The work of two artists appears in the Gallery on the Corner this month. Their styles could hardly be more different. 

Ross Newton revels in the skies, lands and lochs of wild Scotland, and in the wonderfully watery uncertainty where all three meet. 

‘The Scottish weather and changing light makes what you once thought familiar into something different,’ he writes.  ‘Working from sketches and photographs I paint in series exploring composition, colour and texture. Not staying faithful to the motif, I allow the paint and mark-making to determine the outcome.' 

Pictured above is his evocative oil on canvas ‘Rannoch Moor’, and below (this visitor’s particular favourite) ‘Loch Fyne’.

Carolann Alexander is a graduate of the Edinburgh College of Art who currently works using mixed media, including drawing, painting and screen printing.

The characters she depicts in Are You Going up the Road? are unknown to her, but their personality traits and physical quirks are drawn from life and committed to memory as she encounters them in Leith or on long walks across Edinburgh. See if you recognise yourself. This one is titled 'Joyce'.

Alexander has a perceptive eye and wicked sense of humour. But her studies are clearly made with affection not cruelty, and are marvellous celebrations of the odd, squashed imperfections of humanity, particularly as we grow older. Below is a touching tribute to the effects of long-term togetherness: 'Pearl and Norris'.

Both artists' work will continue to show at the Gallery on the Corner (34 Northumberland Street) until the end of the month. AM