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Submitted by Editor on

Among other things, the Conservative–Lib-Dem Government at Westminster wants  'to give citizens, communities and local government the power and information they need to come together, solve the problems they face and build the Britain they want' (

They call this empowered and active citizenry the 'Big Society'.

A local (not the face in the photograph) has used the same term in commenting upon the derelict Shrubhill House on Leith Walk.

However, it is unclear whether he or she:

  • distrusts the notion of Big Society and its efficacy or likely consequences here
  • distrusts the notion of Big Society and regards ruins like this one as typical of its likely results
  • supports the notion of Big Society, and wishes it could be applied here
  • supports the notion of Big Society and believes that the heady mix of retail, restaurant, café and foodstore space promised for the site genuinely reflects local aspirations.

It is also unclear why the commentator thinks the Big Society should be headquartered here.

All in all, this instance of street art is more unclear than it is thought-provoking. I give it 4/10 for execution and 3/10 for content.  AM