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Police are seeking witnesses after an elderly local woman had her purse stolen over the weekend. 

Around 4.30pm on Sunday, the 84-year-old victim was walking along Brunswick Street towards Montgomery Street when she was approached by a woman who offered to carry her bags. 

The ‘good Samaritan’ stole the distracted victim’s purse shortly afterwards. 

Description of suspect

The suspect is described as white, aged around 30 to 40, with shoulder-length, straight, black hair. She spoke with a local accent.

The suspect wore a navy-coloured knee-length coat with black leggings, and was carrying a black-and-white patterned handbag. 

Police are asking anyone who saw a woman fitting this description to contact them as soon as possible.

It’s thought that shoppers leaving the nearby branch of Tesco at around that time on Sunday may have seen something.

Contact Police Scotland on 101 or the charity Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 11.