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It’s coming up for a year since White Rabbit first opened its burrow on Broughton Street, and this will be the erotic boutique’s first Christmas in the neighbourhood.

Spurtle popped by at lunchtime to gauge how things have settled down.

As we went in, co-owner Jim Anderson was coming out, sponge in hand. ‘A bunch of kids have just chucked tea all over the window. Back in a minute.’

It’s the kind of jokey, embarrassed provocation you tend to expect from teenagers under the circumstances, and Anderson was unfazed.

This sort of behaviour is the exception rather than the rule and, after a little initial controversy (Breaking news, 4.3.13), reaction to the shop has settled down with a steady stream of customers visiting from the immediate neighbourhood, further afield in Edinburgh, and even the Borders.

‘There’s nothing else like it near here,’ Anderson remarks. ‘or anywhere close if you’re talking about our workshops’. A sign on the wall alludes to ‘Japanese knotwork’ sessions in the near future. Sometimes, a round-turn and two half hitches just won’t hack it.

‘Has there been a seasonal upsurge?’, we asked.

'Not really,' came the reply. Trade remains steady but is slowly increasing. The shop still has all the ‘usual’, intriguing paraphernalia, currently with added tinsel, but also a few well-chosen and comparatively down-to-earth gift ideas you might expect to find in other local gift shops. They give erotica purchasers an opportunity to supplement their spend, and more conventional shoppers an excuse to come in for a nosey.

It’s smart business from a small enterprise which has added fresh ideas and an enjoyable frisson to Broughton Street’s already provocative boho mix.

We wish them a strappy and successful New Year.

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