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Since the turn of the year, excitement among the Kenya Group has been hotting up, writes  Drummond CHS's Annie Scanlon.

Five S5 students and three staff will take off for a visit to Drummond's partner schools in Muthambi from 12–23 June. They will teach in the schools, work in classes with their Muthambi friends, and visit farms, markets and local events to see how teenagers in Kenya live.
Over the past term they have raised funds for the trip through their Fairtrade Café, special entertainment, and sponsored events. This term they will continue supporting school events with the café, but also by providing catering for the 'Spring Fling Concert' featuring the Drummond Big Band on 23 March.

They are still a bit short of money, and – due to the economic downturn – their usual sources of grant aid have dried up. If any parent or member of the community knows of suitable funding sources, please contact the school:; Tel. 556 2651.