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Well perhaps not this year, but the way our skiers have performed there’s definitely potential for the future, writes staff member Gillian Hemmings.

As part of the Wednesday afternoon WAO (Wider Achievement Opportunities), 50 students started skiing in August 2009, 43 of whom had never skied before.

Soon they were able to ski from the very top of Hillend. The confidence they gained was amazing. Conquering fears has taught them you can do anything if you give it a go.

After visiting the slope every week they entered a team for best newcomers just after Christmas ... and won! They received a beautiful trophy and the school organised a day at Glenshea skiing on real snow.

Students took photos and wrote blogs about their experiences. Here are some of their impressions: ‘We are all really excited as it is a whole-day trip’; ‘Aviemore had 14-foot snowdrifts’; ‘Didn’t fall! Parallel skied from the top, all day! Me and Jennifer laughed a lot. Pure Brill Day’; ‘Today's sesh was immense. Me and Cal attempted 360º jump turns. Each attempt we got better, getting tips from the instructor. Dougie taught us how not to fall and we perfected a 360º turn. YA SKI!’