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As you dry up your cups and saucers, do you ever find yourself wandering out of the house in search of something more interesting to do?

If so, artist Keith Thompson has the perfect household requisite for you.

His hand-printed teatowels feature a stylised map of Broughton Street and roads off, detailing the various shops and businesses which caught his eye when visiting earlier in the year. Spurtle counted 36 yesterday, although some are easier to identify than others.

The teatowels are currently being stocked in Curiouser and Curiouser, where Laura Clifford reports that they are flying off the shelf.

For those who wander further than others, similar items are available elsewhere for remote Leith and Morningside. Further Edinburgh bus routes which Thompson knows and likes will appear in future, but for the truly crockery-averse or adventurous he is currently working on a map of the Glasgow subway system.

You can read more about his work on Facebook at Keith Thompson Designs.