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Submitted by Editor on

The 17 designers exhibiting works at Whitespace this month were each randomly allotted a photograph by another member of the group. The picture had to show a place in Edinburgh which the original photographer loved, and the receiver had then to respond to it in some way.

Not everybody liked the image they had to reflect upon. Aoife White, for example, was less than thrilled with an image of modern graffiti in the foreground with Calton Hill monuments behind:

'For me the photograph wasn't something that would usually inspire me, although I found it challenging and exciting to find inspiration in something that is so inspiring for someone else.'

White's response was this box necklace (top-right and below), suspended from a detailed chain and engraved with a minimalistic engraved drawing of the hill.


'It is reminiscent of a locket, however. The wearer will be able to carry a variety of things inside which may represent something of their experience.'


This reviewer's favourite piece was Maira Toledo's necklace (below), inspired by the Salisbury Craigs. She found the project appealing because:

'I am fascinated with the juxtaposition of rough and fine. It also gave me a great opportunity to use an amazing green aquamarine to represent the green of Holyrood Park.'

[Eccentri:city runs at Whitespace, 11 Gayfield Square until Thursday 26 July: Monday–Friday, 10am–6pm; Saturday, 11am–5pm; Sunday, 11am–4pm.]
