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As reported in Breaking news earlier this month (6.9.10), Drummond Community High School are busily raising the £15,000 required for students and staff at their Kenyan partnership schools to come and visit. They have only until June 2011, so the clock is definitely ticking.

The school's Fairtrade Safari Café is one tried and trusted moneyspinner, parting eager refreshment seekers from their money every Friday. In fact it's such a success that its activities are now being extended beyond Drummond and out into the community. Participants recently catered for the Edinburgh School Jazz Orchestra at their concert in Broughton St Mary’s Church, and also for the Artists Open Studio Weekend at WASPS in Stockbridge.

So if you have an event or gathering where you would like excellent coffee and other Fairtrade products to be available, whilst supporting a really worthwhile local cause, contact Annie Scanlon, Kenya Partnership, Drummond CHS, Tel. 556 2651 [].

Information on other fundraising events, open to the public, will appear here soon. Watch this space.