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Groups of residents who 'befriend' their local parks may sound – to the cynical or uninitiated – slightly absurd.

Absurd or not, such green oases and those who cherish them are proving effective focuses in and around which Edinburghers – who, apart from sharing a postcode might think they have little in common – can coalesce as communities.

In practice, locals donate time and effort to Park-centred activities such as fund-raising, litter-picking, planting, researching and interpreting the area's local history. In return they attract additional Council funds and attention. It's a virtuous circle.

The Friends of Hopetoun Crescent Garden group is a notable example. In recent years it has transformed a tatty and neglected strip of land into a biodiverse resource for wild species, learners of all ages and residents alike. Its activities have embraced horticulture, history, archaeology, education, and good old-fashioned social networking. Long-established locals and newly arrived neighbours equally find it useful, rooting, and enjoyable.

Below, Eileen Dickie – an active and founder member of the group – gives a round-up of recent activity.

In glorious weather, a very successful Summer Picnic was held in Hopetoun Crescent Garden on 15 August. Friends and friends of Friends enjoyed music from the mother-and-son duo Elspeth and Alan Parker, and a sumptuous repast generously donated by Vittoria's of Leith Walk. (Thanks to the three staff who did a great job of keeping us all wined and dined.)

We were very pleased to raise our 2010 Green Flag [pictured] – which follows on from the one we were awarded in 2009. We take it as a tribute to the hard work that the Friends and the Council have put in during the year to keep this small park – with all its diversity of grasses, wild flowers, spring flowers and trees – so popular with local people.

On 11 September there will be a Friends outing with with Greenyonder Tours: see Events for details (places still available).

On 26 September, the Friends' AGM will take place (again, see Events). Alan Bell, the Council's Parks and Gardens Manager, will draw on vast experience to give an illustrated talk on 'Edinburgh Parks – an Insider's View'.

To find out more about Friends of Hopetoun Crescent Garden, visit:

To find out more about Friends groups in general, visit: