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Submitted by Editor on

Good news to start the week! 

Cato the Bengal wanderer (pictured right, on the left or right) has returned safe and sound to his home in Broughton Market after an absence of 3 weeks (Breaking news, 25.5.17). 

Nobody knows quite where he’s been, why, or with whom, but wherever it was he was well fed. 

His human would like to thank all those Spurtle readers who took the trouble to report  sightings, and reports that ‘Cato and his brother Reay are currently happily engaged in jointly terrorising a mouse’. 

Which just goes to show that no sooner does one door open than another closes, or patience is the greatest of all virtues, or every cloud has a lead lining, or two’s company, three’s a meal for two, or something. Any philosophical suggestions very welcome.