What issues should candidates be addressing during the general election campaign in Edinburgh North & Leith?
We want to know what matters most to you. Your answers will help build a citizens' agenda to make sure politicians are answering to voters, instead of simply setting their own agenda.
Your responses will also help us to make sure the Spurtle's coverage and hustings on 24 June are as relevant as possible to local concerns. (There will of course be opportunities to ask questions from the floor at our in-person event.)
Please send your questions/concerns to spurtle@hotmail.co.uk.
And to help us build a wider picture with our partner community papers at the Scottish Beacon, please also add your thoughts to the 5-minute survey here.
Based on the responses we receive, we'll work to develop constituency-specific coverage in our area.
The Spurtle hustings will take place from 7.30pm to 9.30pm on Monday 24 June in Broughton St Mary's Parish Church (Bellevue Crescent). Entry is free, but please bring a little cash (whatever you can spare) to help us cover the cost of the event.
So far, we're aware of the following candidates standing in this constituency. Those marked in bold have already indicated their intention to attend our event: Mike Anderson (Lib-Dems), Deidre Brock (SNP), Niel Deepnarain (Scottish Family Party), Tracy Gilbert (Scottish Labour), Alan Melville (Reform UK), Jo Mowat (Scottish Conservatives), Kayleigh O'Neill (Scottish Greens), Richard Shilcock (Communist Party of Britain).

[Image at top of page: Wikipedia, Creative Commons.]