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Submitted by Editor on

There is some really excellent work on display at the Gallery on the Corner just now. 

During the Spurtle paper-round on Monday, this foot-slogger was bowled over first by Jean Gillespie’s ‘Morning Glow (Cuba)’, pictured right.

Gillespie is Edinburgh-based (with a studio in Dalry). Her work at present ‘is based on themes derived from the figure or landscape,’ she says.

‘I am trying to create a reality in my work through which another separate world can be glimpsed.’

You can find out more about her career so far here.

Equally arresting is Sally Bruce-Richards' (mixed media with gold leaf) ‘Fisher and Fish’.

It too glows, and immediately brings to mind all those balmy summer evenings on which this particular Spurtle reporter has sat quietly by the banks of the Water of Leith and seen not a single ruddy thing. The sudden blue flash experienced fleetingly on another occasion turned out to be migraine. I am frankly astonished if the artist managed to observe a kingfisher long enough to draw it. And jealous.

Bruce Richards' qualifications are in Interior Design, Art, History of Art & Architecture and Technical Drawing:

However, following her move to the Isle of Mull, to start a new life with her family, she became influenced by her immediate environment ... freeing herself from the straight lines and symmetry of her training in favour of the natural shapes created by the elements on the landscape of this rugged part of Scotland.

Her website is here. More images by two more artists tomorrow. AM