It’s almost that time of year again.
Don’t know about you, but there’s nothing I love more than busying myself with plans for the big day.
Yes, I’m obviously talking about the start of Edinburgh’s Winter Fun™. For me, this holiest of events captures the real meaning of the season.
It heralds six weeks of untrammelled joy for Auld Reekie. How privileged we are.
The city will soon feel like a different place: a magical realm beyond time and petty concerns. At least, it will after a third cup of expensive mulled cider.
Whose soul isn’t lifted by a stroll under twinkling lights to look at cheap tat? Who isn’t cheered by the thought of local delicacies such as wurst and stollen?
Regrettably though, this spiritual apotheosis will eventually draw to a close.
May I therefore suggest a way to extend the wellbeing far into 2023? Why not market Princes Street Gardens, soon to be Europe’s largest mud bath, as a health spa? A languorous wallow in the brown stuff to flush out winter’s toxins.
Especially recommended after trips to Christmas Markets or Fife.–The New Town Flaneur.