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Submitted by david on

Congratulations to Marion McLeod, who was born in 1913 and has just celebrated her 100th birthday! writes Leitham Park Care Home's Alison Cavender.

Born into a rural community in the far north of Scotland, Marion grew up fluent in both Gaelic and English. She worked in a baker's shop for many years and, although a quiet lassie, was popular with the customers. 

Sadly,  her marriage was short-lived as her husband was killed in World War II.

From an early age, Marion has been very religious and this faith has sustained her through the ensuing years. Even today, Marion has frequent visits from members of her Church.

One of Marion’s great loves, next to God, has been music, which she still enjoys today. Marion likes listening to poetry and Bible readings, and maintains close links with her friends and family

She is pictured below examining a congratulatory message sent by the Queen which arrivied over the weekend.