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Yet another cat has gone missing in Broughton.

This time, not your average wandering moggie with romance or an extra portion of lunch on its mind. Instead, a magnificent stone lion who was lifted from the front step in Bellevue Street last Tuesday night.

How the cat-napper managed to lift the cemented base and make off with the beast without waking the street is anybody's guess – the statue is extremely heavy. We may be looking for a burglar with a bad back.

The lion is also sorely missed, having welcomed visitors to Anne and Andy Forrest's home for the past 15 years.

They'd like him back, and are calling on locals to keep an eye out.

Andy was formerly projectionist at the Edinburgh Filmhouse on Lothian Road, and movie buffs may recognise the (fictional) Italian village after which No. 68 is named.

Giancaldo featured in one of his favourite movies of all time:  Giuseppe Tomatore's 1988 classic – Cinema Paradiso.

If you think you know of the stone lion’s whereabouts, saw it on his travels, or woke up with a start to find him in bed with you on Wednesday morning, please now do the right thing. We can arrange an embarrassment-free transfer if necessary.

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