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Roadworks at the junction of Rodney Street and Broughton Road have been causing delays and disruption locally. 

We hear the three-way traffic lights – particularly at peak times – have caused tailbacks stretching nearly as far as Broughton Primary School travelling west, Mansfield Place to the south and beyond Canonmills Bridge to the north. 

Shoppers have apparently had difficulty exiting Tesco, and turning right from Logie Green Road. The scene below was captured at 12.15pm today. 

The work – to lay cables – began on Monday and is scheduled to continue until Sunday 13 May.  

If you can avoid travelling through the area by car, do.

Not only but also …

The footpath and cycleway between Broughton Road and the bridge over the river at Warriston Junction will be closed for resurfacing on Monday 14 and Tuesday 15 May.

Bollards (some of them removable) are to replace the gate from Warriston Path onto Boat Green, and new ones are to appear where the path ends at Broughton Road.  

Spurtle understands the changes are being made at the suggestion of Police Scotland, and we suspect they are intended to reduce access/escape options for thieves on stolen mopeds travelling between Pilton and Leith. 

Au revoir not adieu

Finally, this deep, romantic chasm at the end of Dublin Street Lane North, present since  at least mid-April …

has been filled in the last few days. Rather neatly …

However, the strangely deformed setts nearby suggest further elephant traps may appear soon.