City of Edinburgh Council seeks Sustrans Places for Everyone (PfE) funding to improve the junction of Broughton Road, McDonald Road, St Mark’s Path, and the entry to the forthcoming Powderhall development for all users.
As part of this process, between now and 25 September, Stantec is undertaking an online survey for the Council to gauge public opinion about the junction. You can access it HERE. It takes 10 minutes if you’re a decisive person who’s done some thinking in advance. Longer, if you need a cup of tea and a ponder.
The plan below is a preliminary outline only, but is helpful nonetheless.
Further surveys and in-person events will follow.

What's it for?
Stantec says the aims of the changes are to:
- promote a healthy, active and inclusive city through improved connectivity and the provision of safe spaces
- improve access to key services via active travel for communities in the local area
- achieve a measurable increase in cycling as an everyday mode choice within five years of construction
- contribute to the creation of a community-led active travel corridor that incorporates local place-making ideas through continued engagement with the local community
- facilitate users of all abilities
- prioritise walking, wheeling and cycling in line with other Edinburgh Council initiatives.
Who's it aimed at?
You don’t need to be a 'traffic expert' to take part. Spurtle encourages all locals to apply their day-to-day experience of the area and make their voices heard.
After the Picardy Place 'non-consultation' debacle, it will be interesting to see whether the Council can manage this much more straightforward project any better.
Before you begin, a tip. When this correspondent filled in the survey, he omitted to consider how the junction works (or doesn’t) in winter conditions and darkness – try not to make the same mistake.—AM