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Spurtle’s November issue is nearly here.

In it you will find: swarms, a heron, an invisible beastie, a mere hare, a meerkat, doggy teeth, pussy whiskers and a screeching gannet with gynaecological undertones.

On the one side you can read about lost friends, disdain, listed pongs, radio waves, and the joy of exhaling. On the other side you can learn about steps to improve, dominant sides, tummy muscles, sylvan meanderings, saunas and Vietnamese food. We conclude with an expensive shoebox.

All this and more in 4 pages, delivered to your door, email address or local pub, club, gallery, library, newsagent, bicycle repairer, hair salon, fish shop, food shop, café, or dentist’s waiting-room. Alternatively, visit our Home Page tomorrow and download exactly the same thing but in colourful pixels.

If you live, work, study or play in Broughton, we depend on your input. Please get in touch by email on Facebook Broughton Spurtle or Twitter @theSpurtle