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Autumn is here, and so is the October Spurtle.

Spreading silently across the barony like freshly made coffee leaking from a thermos into the deepest recesses of your briefcase, Issue 278 brings to you hot news affecting Broughton and neighbouring bits of the world beyond.

We begin with a new face soon to be more familiar, and a well-known face cheerfully bidding farewell. 

We cover mixed views on an overlooked playground, an upbeat assessment of city transformation, and a decidedly disappointed response to a Council department struggling to cope.

We cover numbers in some detail, looking at city-centre drinking and where it goes, and Leith Walk students and how many there really are.

We brace ourselves for 6 nights of disruption, offer a thoroughgoing rummage through much of the local development news, and take passing squints at foodbanks, shop updates, and shrewd suspicions among Edinburgh’s police.

Poppies, the Great Game and Drummond Place feature on Page 3, along with an historical perspective on inconvenience. Bikes, bike lanes and a battered basilica jostle with bridge-works, baking and browned-off Boy Scouts, ending on Page 4 with another triumph for local Planning democracy.

If it matters to Broughton, you’ll find it in the Spurtle. Look out for copies in all the usual newsagents and hair salons, eateries, drinkeries, libraries and businesses defying succinct description.

Alternatively, download a colourful pdf from our Homepage HERE from midnight on Monday the 1st.

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