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Submitted by Editor on

As you read this, the latest Spurtle has been written, printed, folded, and carefully counted into piles ready for wind-powered distribution across Broughton and beyond.

Issue 279 kicks off with some bad good news for first-time home-buyers, some good bad news for car parkers, and mixed tidings for those following the hypothetical progress of inevitable trams.

Page 2, like everywhere else at the moment, is dominated by Planning issues, with a sprinkling of wobbly parapet, airy art, and disappearing police box.

We follow on Page 3 with high-minded sculpture, Victorian retail blandishments, newcomers to the barony, and a welcome exclusion. Oh, and a near-death experience.

Finally, on Page 4, we conclude with a car park, collapses, cake sales, and the first mention of Christmas. 

All this, and a naked appeal for your money.

November’s Spurtle will appear between Pilrig and Howe Streets, Queen Street and Canonmills over the next few days – shops, hair salons, bars, cafés, restaurants, galleries, libraries, places to sit down, places to stand up, things to fall over, wonders to behold.

If you can’t wait that long, a colourful high-quality pdf will be available for download HERE from midnight tonight.

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