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As you read this, copies of the April Spurtle are already glancing across Broughton like spring rain on an optimist’s BBQ. 

Issue 283 kicks off with a note about climate change, the unanticipated arrival of wildlife, and the comings and goings around two very well-known local landmarks. 

Page 2 contains pieces on peas and empty property, two kinds of upwardly mobile resident, and leafy friends in high places. We carry brief news on wasted opportunities to engage with the public, word of the Windsors, bad parking, Broughton Street celebrations, and the names of all those standing for election in next month’s Leith Walk ward council by-election. 

If it’s boy scouts you’re after, look no further than Page 3. Likewise bare-chested torsos and uneven development. Convolutions, policemen, and planning applications merit attention, as do Transport snippets and a foretaste of snatches.

On Page 4 we enthuse about caffeine-fuelled onesies, detail the removal of a West Annandale Street blot, report crime, and conclude with some comforting thoughts about the extension of tramlines from York Place to Newhaven.

In short, if it flaps, crawls, staggers or collapses anywhere between Pilrig and Howe Streets, Queen Street and Canonmills, chances are you’ll read about it in the Spurtle.

Pick up your copy from any of the usual shops, libraries, eateries, and drinking dens tomorrow. Or, if you can’t wait that long, download a colourful pdf of the same from our Homepage HERE from midnight tonight.

Do you have news, views, or a spare pair of arms and legs needing exercise? We want to know more.

Tell us at and @theSpurtle and Facebook