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As you read this, copies of the August Spurtle are already bouncing out of the presses like waves over a flood prevention scheme.

Page 1 babbles playfully about balloons, bins, and bars … and a big bare boy bashing the bejesus out of something with a mallet.

On Page 2 there are trickling frills, animals, dodgy baps we grew to know and love, and the limits of boundaries. There is bicycling news (bad), resurfacing news (bad), tree news (bad), and more bin news (good or bad, depending on whom you believe). We conclude with surgical opportunities, go-to-bed eyes, and a collective sigh of satisfaction.


Local history splashes Page 3, as do biographies and the obit of a larger-than-life local legend, recently passed.

How do you feel about bad parking? We have an unsettling image. Do you like new libraries? Look no further. Book lover? Blue-plaque enthusiast? All your Christmases have come at once in a deluge of toothsome Briefly items.

Page 4 gurgles into your brain like drain upsurges through badly positioned sandbags. Here you’ll find a poster campaign with a difference, planning developments (some more or less inconvenient and potentially moist), timely references to tramworks and floods, and more animals … everything from bees to unicorns in a business near you.

Not waving but …

In short, if it swims, sinks, flounders or doggy-paddles anywhere between the water meadows of Pilrig Street and the lochans of eastern Stockbridge, from the clear Queen Street trout streams to the bogs of Canonmills, you’ll find it here deep-in-over-yer-wellies in this month’s Spurtle.

Pick up your copy from any of the usual outlets in Broughton and beyond, or, for those who can’t wait, in glorious colour on our HOMEPAGE from midnight tonight.