As you read this, advance copies of the August Spurtle are already brightening the barony like sunbeams on gull-proof sacks.
We begin on Page 1, as is our style, with a soggy outlook, a moggy on a bicycle, and foggy prospects for an architectural gem.
As usual, we continue with Page 2, where you can find out how much better or worse you’re doing than average, catch up on the latest Jacobite news, and learn about the nitty gritty of Broughton’s collapsing bridges, beauty, bookshops, and B-listed conversions.
On Page 3, nestling this month on the back of Page 4, we feature frost and the furious, a light-hearted vindication of persistence, and further evidence if any were needed of how little changes when it comes to rubbish. Also steeplejacks, beer pong, Admiral Boom, and a B&B.
Last, and unpredictably least, we conclude with the weather, fly-tipping, a retiring sort, and things you don’t want to find in your pastry.
It's brief, it’s topical, it’s got stories on places that other papers don’t know exist – Spurtle is your hyperlocal guide to everything interesting between Pilrig and Stockbridge, Greenside and Canonmills, some of it dating from 1856.
Pick up a copy from local shops and railing dispensers, or download a waterproof pdf in colour from our website here anytime after midnight tonight.