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Over 30 Edinburgh babies joined fellow infants around the world two months ago in the mass indignity of a synchronised nappy-changing event.

In total, some 8,251 variously gurgling, screeching, puking or comatose participants from the UK, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Germany, Holland, Ireland, Malaysia, Spain, Switzerland and the US were put into cloth diapers whether they liked it or not, at exactly the same moment (17:30, BST on 21 April).

Today it was officially confirmed that they have thereby also left their mark on the Guinness Book of Records.

The Edinburgh event was organised by Changeworks, the Newhaven Road-based environmental charity which runs the Real Nappy Project. This Council-funded scheme aims to convince parents and carers to use cloth rather than disposable nappies.

According to the website of Go Real (the Real Nappy Information Service), the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs in England is currently carrying out a review of all aspects of waste policy and delivery there. Go Real were keen to ensure that disposable nappies were considered under that review and so submitted a Call to Evidence.

To this end, Go Real wrote to all MPs. Some responded more positively than others. Most helpfully, Austin Mitchell – MP  for Grimsby – displayed his support in Parliament by putting down an early day motion.