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All candidates invited to our hustings next week have also been invited to provide a short written introduction to themselves. 

Next to respond is Lee Chalmers (Womens Equality Party), whose words we reprint in full below. 


I live in Edinburgh, run a small coaching and leadership business, lead a not-for-profit organisation focused on encouraging women’s political representation, and am doing a part-time PhD on online trolling.

I’ve been involved in campaigning for gender equality for 15 years, as a board member of The Fawcett Society to most recently beoming a founder member of the Women’s Equality Party (WEP).

WEP is just over one year old and already has 45,000+ members/supporters. A fairer Scotland starts with equality. WEP believes that only by women and men having equality can Scotland truly flourish.

If elected I would work with other MSPs and organisations to achieve six core goals:

  1. Equal pay/opportunity in work and the economy.
  2. Equal parenting/caregiving so that everyone has the same opportunity in family life.
  3. Ending violence against women.
  4. Equal representation in politics/business/industry.
  5. Equal treatment of women by and in the media.
  6. An equal education system creating the same opportunities for all children.

WEP takes no party line on issues outside our remit. WEP has no view on Scotland’s independence – we want to see equality between women and men here in any and all circumstances.

Please give your second vote to The Women’s Equality Party.