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Submitted by Editor on

Leith Festival organisers seek participants and volunteers for various projects this summer (Festival runs from 10–19 June).

First, actors, performers, backstage crew and front-of-house staff are wanted to help with two one-act comedies.

Second, five 18–24-year-old students are sought to act as photographers at gigs and events before and during the Festival. They must have their own digital SLR cameras, but will be instructed by a 'very well established' local expert. Work may be displayed in the Vollytographers exhibition which runs throughout.

Finally, knitters are needed to create woollen squares in the two weeks leading up to the event. These will be sewn together and draped over some prominent but still-to-be-decided-upon Leith landmark. This is loosely described as an 'installation', but sounds to Spurtle more like a tea-cosy with delusions of grandeur. (Above, we give an artist's impression of how the Malmaison hotel might look after the knitted treatment; and, below, the iconic 16th-century Lamb's House.)

To volunteer, express an interest, or just to find out more, contact Adele at
