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Edinburgh Police seek witnesses to what they describe as a ‘shocking’ domestic assault yesterday evening at the corner of Windsor and Montgomery Streets. 

As they crossed Montgomery Street, a 21-year-old man argued with a 17-year-old woman before pulling her hair, pushing her head down and causing her to fall. She banged her head on the traffic island kerb. Police attended and later traced the couple.

Police believe at least two people saw the incident, which occurred at about 7.40pm.

One was a man in his late 40s with medium build and dark medium-length hair, wearing dark clothes. He later walked along Montgomery Street towards Easter Road.

The other was a woman of Chinese appearance, thinly built, about 5’9” and in her mid-20s. She had a fringe and wore her hair up. She carried a rucksack or instrument case on her back, and after the incident proceeded down Leith Walk. 

If you have relevant information, contact Police Scotland on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.