Dunedin Street (Edinburgh) LLP proposes to build new purpose-built student accommodation with associated amenity space, cycle parking, landscaping and infrastructure on the site of a large modern garage and yard at 26 Dunedin Street (23/05027/FUL).
The plan is for 73 studio apartments across 6 storeys.
‘The use of warm earthy colours relates to the sandstone and brick present in the surrounding area. Grey horizontal banding breaks up the vertical nature of the building, referencing historic industrial language and datums from the neighbouring buildings.’
Architects O’DonnellBrown recognise opportunities to ‘establish key frontages onto both Dunedin Street to the south, continuing the frontage begun by the Beaverhall scheme, and onto “Makars’ Yard” to the east, as well as the landscaped pedestrian space at the western boundary between the sites’.
If consented, the new development would, says DS, raise the local student-population concentration to 12.48 per cent, well below the 50 per cent threshold which ‘may indicate a balanced community is not being achieved’.
The exact Census area on which DS bases this assessment is not clear. Taken together with other nearby projects in progress or proposed, we suspect the concentration around Broughton Road could soon feel considerably higher.

Key features of the design include:
- Recessed upper floor
- Landscaped amenity space around exterior, with planting
- Rounded base to increase amenity space and soften frontage
- Window placement which mitigates overlooking, now and in the future
- Internal roof plant to reduce building height and noise pollution.
To Spurtle’s untutored eye, the proposed exterior looks conservative, unobtrusive, inoffensive and a bit dull.
There’s nothing wrong with the arrival in the Beaverlands of more young people – we welcome them.
However, many will see this is as yet another missed opportunity to welcome slightly older people seeking to put down permanent roots in affordable housing.
