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It’s that time of year when reminders of motherhood seem to be on every corner. 

And Broughton Street’s A-board artists are being as inventive as ever in their efforts to cajole, amuse or guilt-trip us into parting with money before Sunday.

At the top of the hill, the Basement Bar have departed from their usual line in morbid Latin American skeletons in favour of etymology. 

The technique here is unabashed flattery, as is obvious from the absence of cross-references to death-stare, buggy-rage and all-seeing harridan.

Villeneuve Wines are also exploring new ground, abandoning their customary dodgy definitions and going for what looks like an ultrasound scan crossed with a Tammy Wynette tribute.

Everything’s tweetness and light outside Dragonfly.

Meanwhile, Smoke Stack cleverly promise to make cheapskate offspring look more generous than they really are.

Narcissus offer a rather mysterious ‘Workshop’ for two.

We imagine this will have something to do with flowers, although there’s just enough vagueness to suggest immature progeny may end up explaining themselves in public to  a patiently nodding therapist.

Whatever your plans or lack of them for Sunday, we wish you joy, and offer this brief summary of points you may have forgotten