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Plans for St Mary's Music School to move into a restored, refurbished and reconfigured old Royal High School complex went on display on Thursday.

The Royal High School Preservation Trust (RHSPT) held the public exhibition in Canongate Kirk, directly below the imposing Thomas Hamilton building at the foot of Calton Hill.

These were far from being the kind of detailed proposals required for a full planning application (they'll cross that bridge if and when they come to it).

However, the designs on show did flesh out RHSPT's claims made to the New Town and Broughton Community Council in May about the scale of their architectural ambitions, the extent of any changes to existing structures, and the appropriate fit of school purpose and numbers to size of premises (see Breaking news, 13.5.15).

We reproduce below (with permission) what to us were the most relevant exhibition boards. To see them and others on a larger scale and in pinpoint focus, follow this link. (Be warned, though, the pdf at the other end is large.)

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How St Mary's Music School could occupy the old Royal High School ... We've got the plans: 

@theSpurtle And very fine plans they are too.

 Catriona Grant Brilliant use of the old school

 John Edward Not if this happens