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Leith Neighbourhood Partnership covers the Leith and Leith Walk council wards, and so covers a large chunk of Broughton. It is currently surveying local opinion as it plans what to prioritise over the next three years.

Now is therefore a good time for Broughtonians to make sure their legitimate concerns are not drowned out by louder voices to the north-east.

Options include: cleanliness/appearance of public spaces; health; parks/leisure; feeling safe; local economy/business/training; children and young people; old people; 'a say in local decisions'.

Their online survey – open to anyone who lives, works, volunteers or studies in the area – is available here, and paper copies can be picked up from McDonald Road Library (also Leith Library). You have until 31 March to fill it in in. (It won't take you that long if you start now.)

Results will be published online at the end of April, and a Community Conference to discuss them is scheduled for 2pm on 16 May in South Leith Parish Church Halls (Henderson Street).