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A second pre-application consultation on plans for ‘new sustainable housing’ at the former B&Q site on Warriston Road will take place early next month. 

Artisan Canonmills Ltd will exhibit proposals by architects Sheppard Robson at the Nelson Hall in McDonald Road Library on Saturday 3 December (noon–4pm) and Monday 5 December (2pm–8pm).

Plans will be available to view online here from Tuesday 6 December. (Have a look there now for a fly-by view of the Beaverland.)

Any comments should be made by Tuesday 13 December.

Artisan’s Clive Wilding reports a good level of feedback from the previous consultation (Breaking news, 29.7.16), and says developers have been refining the scheme since through further meetings with local residents and City of Edinburgh Council Planning officials.

‘This is a wonderful site overlooking the Water of Leith,' he says, 'and we want to create something that will be a positive contribution to both the built environment and the local green network’.

Ownership of the site will transfer from B&Q to Artisan in March next year.